Sunday, October 14, 2012

New Moon in Libra, October 15, 2012


This New Moon cycle brings us a real upsurge in feminine energies, especially as they apply to the concept of humanity.  Women and those who are considered "unique" or different in some way are a large focus, one way or the other.  We'll also see women being given the opportunity to create a more solid future-oriented foundation based on real power, power that comes from love, caring, wisdom, interconnectedness and that warrior goddess who fights for what's right.  This is a more balanced sense of power rather than the dominator power that is gasping it's last breath, though not without a grand fight.

Venus and the Moon are prominent in this cycle and offer healing to the old idea of the "Madonna and whore" image of women.  Women can be smart, beautiful, sexy, mothering, wise, ancient, new, powerful, all at the same time.  The real focus here is that every woman has the right and responsibility to be who she came here to be and that all women are magnificent.  This is not about the old "we CAN have it all."  No no no's about being our best, allowing others to be their best and have a balanced, safe, wise world to share ourselves with.  It's also a Moon cycle that has the potential to bring women from all over the world together, united in one cause of women connecting with their unique power as women/a woman to create the future for our world, our children.

Not to leave the men are experiencing these energies more inwardly.  Their natural feminine sides are being affected by these energies.  They too are being called to be the best they can be and shed the ways that have trapped them into believing those old ways of the man is in charge.  Those ways don't give men much of an opportunity to be their best any more than women.  The women in men's lives will act as mirrors for them, showing them where they need to work on themselves.  And women, the men in your lives will act as mirrors to show you where you need to let go of control, speak up and where you need to claim your power as a woman.

Even though we are in Autumn and approaching Samhain (the Wiccan end of the year), this Moon cycle is about a new beginning.  One where we must create a new/renewal of the future with joy.  Create with the understanding that it is not US on our own creating, but rather that we reveal what is already there, waiting for us to discover it like the discovery of the beauty of each new day.  It's about connecting with our place in the big picture and taking nothing for granted.  This is the time for us to BECOME joy.  Open our voices to let out the song, the beauty, the creation.  We carry the manifestation within us so time to let it out!  We are part of the big picture, part of the creative process.

This is also the time to let go of ego beliefs that make us think, for example, that we make the Sun rise.  The Sun will rise whether we are here or not.  We can connect with the process of sunrise, we can let others know of the sunrise, we can paint it, photograph it, create other beauty based on its' beauty, and so on.  In creating beauty from the sunrise, keep in mind that we are the messengers and the caretakers of our part in the bigger process.  And it's important.  It's just not the only thing going on.

This New Moon is going to hit us hard about responsibility and taking credit for things we have no business taking responsibility or credit for. 

Walk gently and with integrity in your own power this Moon cycle.  Appreciate the beauty in the world, in nature, in yourself and in others.  Find as many moments of peace and quiet as you can AND create peace and quiet in the world so others can find it, too.

Ask Spirit to whisper to you what your special passion is.  Then listen.  You may not hear it right away, but along the way and through your days, listen to the wind blowing, the leaves fluttering and crunching, the rain falling, the birds singing, children laughing, see the pages of a book...the answer will come to you.