Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Collective Sigh of Mercury Going Direct!

April 23, 2011 - This Mercury retrograde seems to have been much harder than others for me as well as a lot of people I know. Not only have there been technical issues (most of which were the result of me not paying attention I will admit), but it seems like the particular combination of energies right now has been more frustrating and challenging than usual.

We've had some major sign changes (Uranus moved from Pisces into Aries and Neptune moved from Aquarius into Pisces, both after many years. Changes like this are always a jolt to our vibrations plus new energies to get used to), and a lot of planets in Aries. It's felt like there's an urgency to take action that compels us to jump up and do something - anything, just do it right now! Mercifully, we've been held back from jumping forward where angels fear to tread - for now anyway.

Aries wants to hurry up and get to where it's going yesterday. Mercury does like to flit quickly, but with a plan, a purpose, an idea. Mercury retrograde makes us slow down, listen to the quiet in-between wisdom we tend to rush past in our direct daily living.

Mercury retrograde has slowed us down from acting too quickly on our desire to just hurry up and get something done or get something going. We've needed this time to allow the new energies into our lives so we can have the opportunity to let them settle before we crazily jump on some new bandwagon.

This Mercury retrograde asked us to be open to new potentialities; to have faith and to believe that we are capable of experiencing and creating so much more than our ego-minds can ever dream of. We've been asked to open up to powerful possibilities if we connect our spirit-mind with the Divine mind. We are at the beginning of some truly spectacular possibilities - it's all there if we want it and if we're only willing to be open and believe and BE the wisdom needed to make it happen.

I keep thinking about the part in "Peter Pan" where Tinkerbell consciously drinks the poison meant for Peter and as she is dying Peter cries out "Do you believe?...If you believe, clap your hand...don't let Tink die."

Right now is about faith that Tinkerbell is real and our belief in her will bring her back to life. That our faith in what has not yet been shown to us will be the bridge that connects us to possibilities, potentials, life and dimensions that we may or may be able to see, hear, smell or touch, but we do believe because somehow, in the quiet place in our hearts we just know it to be true. It's about understanding and accepting our duty, the work we agreed to come here to do, knowing what information is real and what isn't and how to use what we have. It's about life lessons, justice, creating goals, working hard, honesty and not letting a sense of urgency get the better of us. We're moving into Taurus energy shortly and that will give us a chance to work with patience and grounding. From now until then we have Saturn to help us.

This retrograde period was about learning patience, patience to sit quietly even when we feel the urge to rush to something whether we know what "it" is or not and whether or not we know it's for the highest good. It's also about just believing the possibilities are there and having faith that when the moment is right we'll find out what "it" is and we'll know what to do.


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