Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Moon in Scorpio, November 16, 2009

This New Moon Cycle is about transformation and rejuvenation, ghosts of cycles past, and being able to see the deep inner structures of everything in order to determine whether they are still good, have some problems and need adjustments or are rotten and need to be completely transformed/released in order to move forward in a stable, sound, sustainable way that works for the highest good of everyone.
This Moon seems to be a maturation process for Scorpio energy, in general and wherever it is in all of our charts. This process is about making the conscious choice to choose to transform and take the action to transform with personal empowerment rather than allowing the energies to just destroy or cut out what isn't working based on the decision of some other power outside ourselves.
To me, this feels like we are taking the "traditional" myth of Persephone being kidnapped and the lives of everyone being forever changed, broken, sad, disempowered versus the myth of Persephone taking control of her own power and destiny and consciously choosing to do the work of her Soul's purpose and choosing to go to the underworld and work with lost souls and heal and doing this with full consciousness that this is indeed her true path and calling. She also chooses to create a balance of powers so that in the end, everyone benefits from the changes of the seasons, the time to go within and heal, the time to plant, time to grow, time to harvest, time to rest. Through this conscious and empowering choice Persephone teaches us that the journey inward, the journey into our darkness is healing, restful, powerful and empowering. She also shows that it can be transformational and help us find our courage rather than allow our fears to destroy us.
Pay attention to what's inside and how things are working or not working...if there isn't a sense of harmony, beauty, balance, win-win or win-learn, or if there's an out of balance amount of stress and challenges, then give some thought to re-structuring from within to make things flow and work in greater harmony with the Divine plan that you are feeling and seeing.
Scorpio energy also cuts out what is no longer relevant. Rather than waiting for something to be yanked away, use this time to decide if the inner structure and the relationships are at a point where you feel destruction is imminent. It may be time to make a conscious choice to let something go that is beyond repair or that you have outgrown.
Through this process of New Moon in Scorpio we can come to a place of forgiveness if we are willing to let go of the need to control versus being open to co-creation, tolerance and inclusion.
Over the next three years we will come face to face with our "isms" and any areas where we lack tolerance, forgiveness, centeredness, balance, harmony.
As for ghosts of cycles past, we are dealing with some of the choices made over the past 30, 40, 50 and 60 years, all coming together in one range of time. Ultimately it is about making the conscious choice to protect our children, the Earth and all or our resources in sustainable and respectful ways. To conserve what we have and be sensible with what we have and what we do so that others no longer have to suffer and so our children, grandchildren and so on, not only have what they need to live, but to be able to thrive and hopefully take what we start and transform it into really wonderful things. All of this must happen now.
During this Moon cycle we may be more sensitive to feeling the wounds of others we love or feel some kind of kinship with...but if you are particularly sensitive you may feel even more of humanities pain. In spite of feeling more psychically sensitive, the channels are a bit "off", so be careful with interpreting what you are picking up may be picking up something that is true, but applying it to the wrong thing or in the wrong way. The question is: can we transform this knowledge into useful action by detaching from the emotions in a way that allows to understand the feelings and work with them to make the best possible changes?
This is a time of great cleansing, great transformation and a great gift of being able to get to the very essence of our beings. To get to the heart of our dreams and our Soul's purpose. To clear out the clutter and baggage that keeps us from these fundamental truths.
What we do from now until the New Moon on January 15, 2010 will be what we use to create the foundation, form and structure into the year 2010...both personally and globally.
Right now we are feeling, intuitively picking up the clues about what we are to create; what the resources are that we need; how to work with the Divine in partnership to make these dreams a reality on Earth; what the connection to humanity is; what we each need to do in order to bring out our power so it is balanced, harmonious and sees no boundaries of sex, race, religion, education, socio-economic status, political philosophy, nationality and ethnicity. We are being asked to dig deeper and find our integrity and live with and in integrity as much as possible and give up our need to control in order to force outcomes rather than allowing things to flow from the Truth.
With the New Moon in Scorpio, you may feel like hiding, and that's fine. Not only is this a sensitive time frame, but this time of year calls us to want to rest quietly and seek out time with ourselves by going deep within our Souls. Answering that call can help you find rest, healing, and clarity.


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