Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Little Bit About Venus in Sagittarius...

Venus is in Sagittarius right now, adding a greater depth to our sense of beauty. She is increasing our desire to create and make beautiful things happen, and adding a sense of desiring something successful with an idea, deepening our desire for beauty and harmony to be infused into whatever we are doing, and a desire for joy and beauty to be a part of the structure of all we do.

The major aspect to watch out for is that Venus energies can set things up so we feel drawn to our baser desires, stopping at nothing to bring those desires into our lives. Examples are things like greed for power and money (there is nothing wrong with power and money in energetic terms, but rather the problems come in when we infuse them with things like greed, anger, and so on), recognition for the sake of feeding our ego and fame, everlasting beauty and youth without grace and dignity in honoring the Grand Old Wise Woman and Man.

Venus is on a long journey of transforming that started back in June of 2004. This specific Venus cycle will end in June, 2012. This journey of Venus involves values, what we value, how we value, how we value ourselves and others, how others value us and how we let them value us, money and the general systems of trading energy and matter, how we treat women and children and the feminine aspects of men, what beauty means to us individually and culturally, justice taking a front row seat, and balancing and harmonizing life as we create the foundation of our new dimensional home.


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