Thursday, December 17, 2009

New Moon in Sagittarius - December 16, 2009

This is an especially easy time to begin activities, creative endeavors and/or anything that needs more spark, creativity and energy infused into it; a time to have greater insight into what might be a good group to market your ideas to or who to connect with about an idea or who to connect with to help unblock if you feel you can't get to your ideas or creativity. But give it some good old-fashioned hard work first - you just might be surprised at how you can get the problem solved!
Our Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels and Elemental Beings are working like crazy to make sure the right ideas get to the right people, so pay attention to dreams, "aha" moments, things that capture your attention and imagination, things that give you "goosebumps". Those are signs and are pointing you in the direction you need to move in.
This Moon cycle reminds us that there is dark and light within us all. These energies also remind us that there is no such thing as a complete polarity any more, but rather a blending of different shades of light and dark along the continuum of light. We just believe we need to have an opposition in order to be "right" or to feel safe in our belief system, or to point a finger away from ourselves and not take personal responsibility and change what needs to be changed.
This Moon cycle also serves to remind us that no one is completely right or wrong. Sagittarius is about many different groups, ideas, beliefs, politics and religions coming together to create a diverse, unique and strong larger group from many different groups working together. Sag seeks to find the common themes within all the diverse stories to weave together a beautiful strong tapestry that serves the needs of the entire community in joyful ways. If we look around right now, there are too many who are resisting finding the common humanity within all the diversity and are stubbornly holding to their polar and individual positions, making assuptions about others and ultimately not getting anything healthy accomplished. Many are not willing to take the time to listen to the stories, others are not telling their stories but rather tell stories put into their heads by someone else. In the end though, even these energies will serve to bring some consciousness raising light to us all.
Our quest for taking an idea and turning it into something might be challenged by a desire to follow the "dark" path of our inner self (ego) - to perhaps have a pity party or blame others for our situation. Much of the pull to the darkness may stem from a sudden awakening and the lack of emotional balance with conscious awareness to go along with it. It is a matter of being patient and allowing our other parts to awaken and find balance within ourselves...our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual selves, that is.
At the center of this pull to go within is the naturally-timed desire to be at-one with the Source of all life. There is a deep pull, especially at this time of the year, to float in the universal waters that create life, that heal and restore us - to rest and be within the womb of the Divine Mother.
This pull has two directions. One is toward the downward spiral of life and one is toward the upward spiral. The downward spiral takes us to places of self-pity, the feeding of our addictions, destructive thoughts and feelings and beliefs, the misuse of our innate psychic abilities, the locking away of our creative powers which can cause us to twist into a ball of fear and deep sadness, and blaming others rather than taking personal responsibility.
The other direction takes work and facing your fears and anyone or thing that puts you down, tries to silence you, belittle you or keep you from expressing your creative powers and standing up to them (this could be your own self, too). Ultimately all relationships lead back to ourselves and the Creator anyway so even if it seems like someone else is "blocking your way", look at that relationship and see what that can tell you about yourself and the overall situation.
This spiral upward takes courage to build appropriate boundaries whereas the downward spiral leaves you open to boundary breakers and you feel the pain from their pounding.
Self-confidence is a keyword here...believe in yourself! This is, after all, the best time of the year to BELIEVE in that which we cannot see or feel, but FAITH deep in our hearts tells us it there or will come. That it is good and powerful in all ways. The major faiths, including the old religions, honor this time of year for miracles of light, rebirth of the life giving Sun, the birth of the Son of God and the Divine Mother. These are all based on belief and faith that the Sun will return and that miracles do happen.
This is a time of foreshadowing of what our dreams can grow and mature into. Coupled with a strong desire to make contact with other living beings and the desire to prove ourselves. We are now driven toward new experiences, whether they are constructive or destructive. The ultimate combination of energies gives us the initiation period of opening up to the new, the desire to connect with others and experience new experiences and offer us pathways to walk along to make the constructive choices, the joyfully creative choices as we create the structure for the new dimension we have moved into.
The energies of this Moon cycle also speak to forgiveness - it would be easy to find a dark space and choose not to forgive. It might take a bit of work to reach for the space of sparkling light and choose to forgive. The power of forgiveness is magnified right now, so if you forgive with integrity and honesty, let's say one inch, the Universe will magnify that one inch a thousand-fold.
This also means forgiving ourselves. The current cycles point toward the most basic of relationships - the relationship we have with ourselves and with the Divine. If you find yourself suddenly being very hard on yourself it is part of the lesson to open your heart to your own self and forgive yourself so you can move forward in life, lovingly and with an openness to meet others with a curiosity and a sense of wonder to listen to their stories and revel in the diversity of all lives as well as the common threads we all share as beings on this planet Earth. This is necessary because very soon things will get REALLY interesting!
Some suggestions to work with this Moon cycle are: Work with colors, light, fragrances and beautiful sounds to find the path to light and creativity, success and forgiveness. Wrapping up in a blanket that makes you feel safe with the warm glow of candle light and some uplifting orange and/or pine frangrances with the powerful sounds of Mozart or Beethoven or your favorite jazz or celestial music or what makes you feel good, while sipping herbal tea, hot chocolate or warm apple juice with a cinnamon stick would be a very rejuvenating thing to do. Make this YOUR experience by resting with whatever fragrances, music, comfy and cozy things speak to YOU.
Another restoring activity would be to consciously choose something you would like to do (i.e., art, a new business, writing a story, designing a garden or a house...the list is endless) and with deep breaths of joy, begin to happily work on it. It doesn't have to be perfect; the perfection comes later. Just know this the perfect time to begin this passion that comes from your heart and soul.
Right now one of the greatest gifts we are being blessed with is the strong presence of will and strength of the spirit/mind connection. We have the ability to choose to use our willpower and strength of mind to shift the direction of energies from moving toward the pity party and head instead toward your personal path of creativity, connection with positive and powerful like-minded beings and people as well as success toward any new project or idea you undertake during this New Moon. Find methods to feel yourself in a safe, womblike space to regenrate, heal, grow, be in that state of restful peace to help you regain and restore your energies so at Solstice and the Full Moon, leading to Imbolc (beginning of Spring) you are in a good place to step out with whatever you have chosen to work on with this New Moon cycle. And if you don't really choose anything, know that you are still working on things even if you don't conscsiously know it and that's perfectly fine!


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